This is Bob...remember him? He has kept us on our toes since his arrival a few months back.
He couldn't climb the real Christmas tree due to its denseness (even though he tried about a billion times) He was SO excited when I set up the artificial tree in the kitchen. Without hesitation he was up that thing so fast. I think I had it set up about 30 seconds !! Needless to say...a little spray with the water bottle and he hasn't tried it again.
I just wanted to share with you my last hurrah of the season. I had a great time making this special order Santa and Winter Girl.

My favorite part is the trim on her pantaloons. I hand gathered silk ribbon to make a wonderful ruffle and then stitched it onto the hem of her pants.

Now I'm just playing a little catch up here. A while back I participated in a trunk show at Cottage Jewel in Danville.
Iva Wilcox and Charlene Geiger joined in the fun.
(currently, Charlene does not have a blog or website)

Iva's lamp...which is too too wonderful. The outside is covered in a combination of glitters and mica. This picture does not do it justice.

One of Charlene's wonderful trees. This one came home with me.

OH and these pumpkins...need I say more? Many of them came home with me too!!

One of Iva's sweet ornaments.

And some of the type of treasures you will see if you visit
Cottage Jewel.

If you have a chance...stop by and visit Marcia at
Cottage Jewel
Danville, CA
(925) 837-2664