Monday, December 5, 8:15 am and all is quiet. The sister has gone back to Nevada, the kids have caught their carpools, the husband has headed out the door to work and for the first time in 16 is quiet. Quiet to where I can hear myself think. Quiet to where I can actually get something done !! So...what do I do first? Darn I should have made a list. I always work better with a list.
I am happy to say that as fast as time flies...and I hate it...I am glad for a fresh year. The husband got on the treadmill yesterday and walked and walked while he watched football. It was so great to see him walking steady and strong, heart and lungs working just fine. Yes, I am glad to put 2008 behind us and I am positive 2009 will be a great year...crummy economics and all !!
I don't make New Years resolutions anymore. I don't like to make commitments like that. I do, however, have ideas, plans and challenges in my head. Funny enough, they are the same ideas and plans I have had for the last few New Years. Each year I try to accomplish these things and each year I think I make a little better headway. Maybe by the time I am 90 I will get it right. But for now...I will put in all the effort I can and try my best.
What are your New Year Challenges??
Here are some of mine...
Spend more time with friends

Enjoy my kids...

Be a good listener to everyone, especially my kids, and try not to lecture them...
ooo this will be hard!
Enjoy my family...sheesh...I was so busy doing this at the holidays I didn't snap one picture...bad bad bad !!
Try to have at least 3 sit down, healthy family meals each week. Some months of the year this is so difficult. But I'm gonna try !!

Make more homemade ice cream!!
SLOW DOWN and breathe...take life in because it passes in the blink of an eye.
The happiest of New Years to you and yours. Let's make this the best one yet !!
Now I must go rescue Bob from the dishwasher !!