I didn't mean to be away this long...but I have taken on a little project. A bit of an unexpected project. One that I have wanted to take on for the last 8 years but I couldn't get the husband to buy into the whole idea. Finally, the chips all fell into place and it's happening (yes I think he is tired of hearing my whining).
I will give you a little sneak peek...

This was my front yard last week....nope...we aren't re-doing our front yard. Well wait a minute. I guess we are now.

This is the back yard !! Yes...it's a great big hole in the ground and soon to be a pool. The boys are so excited. Look in the lower right hand corner. Even Bob is in on the action!
I haven't been doing too much work in the past couple of weeks because of all the hub bub around here. But I am finishing up a project and getting some things ready for my upcoming blog sale. For some reason...it's all about PINK!! I don't mean for it to be. It just keeps ending up that way.

A pink flocked top hat with a thick silky bow...

Pink silk sleeves and matching belt...

Pink flowers are always around...

A fancy pink velvet and silk trimmed hat...

And even pink feathers !!
But wait...
I think I see...
I do
I do
I see


and more yummy blue. Ok, maybe it's not ALL about pink. Only about 90%.
Mark your calendars for my upcoming blog sale.
Sunday, June 14
at 5pm PST
Hope to see you there with a splash.