I love Summer...no maybe I love the "idea" of Summer. Relaxing with nothing to do and nothing on the calendar. You can read, sleep in, play whenever you feel like it...
This summer has been like most others....filled with lots of biziness and wonderful memories being made.
In the past couple of months, besides soccer and basketball practices, swim meets and sleepovers we have
said goodbye to giant hair

and Elementary School

and the most amazing 5th Grade Teacher EVER !
(who is happily retiring)

The pool is done

the water is blue

The grass is green
and having patience
was key.

(who is happily retiring)

The pool is done
the water is blue

The grass is green
was key.

We celebrated a sweet birthday
and my boys survived summer camp...barely.
We have been feasting on backyard smores
We have been feasting on backyard smores

(Sue, Anna, Iva, myself)
her well known studio.
(for inside views...see Where Women Create...the book)
I've spent a long weekend with three amazing women.
We ate, drank, shopped and created our way thru Portland....
her well known studio.

I've spent a long weekend with three amazing women.
We ate, drank, shopped and created our way thru Portland....
where the weather is gorgeous, the flowers unbelievable and incredible artists reside!

We lunched with the master of soldering...and got a tour of her studio...which is something you have to see with your own two eyes...in-cre-di-ble.

We had fun creating our own masterpieces in signature Lisa style...

and said goodbye to each other with a promise to do it again...soon.
Great memories, great laughs, great times.
I am excitedly awaiting a little family getaway. Our first in two years. We are going to be spending time in the surf and sun.
I will be back in a couple of weeks with some fun news to share and more pictures of my trip to Portland.
In the meantime...
Enjoy your summer!!
Great memories, great laughs, great times.
I am excitedly awaiting a little family getaway. Our first in two years. We are going to be spending time in the surf and sun.
I will be back in a couple of weeks with some fun news to share and more pictures of my trip to Portland.
In the meantime...
Enjoy your summer!!