Just a memory....that is what my first Art Camp experience is now. Lovely thoughts in my head and memories in my heart.
A time I won't ever forget.
What took me so long to get there?
Spring and Fall is when they happen each year and they sell out
in the blink of an eye.
A whole bunch of women
creating art together
eating together
sleeping in 3 beach houses
literally ON the beach.
40 creative souls spending 4 days together
It doesn't get much better than that.
No cooking
No cleaning
Terri has the most ah-mazing gals that look after everything
The food is deeelish and there is LOTS of it...
The service is incredible.
Your every want and need is covered.
And the art sisters camaraderie is fantastic.
The 3 houses |
The house on the left is the art house. The middle one is the most charming cottage style and there were 10 friends that stayed together there. They must have been really good friends because there was only 1 1/2 bathrooms and we never heard any fighting! The house on the right is known as "the quiet house". Not much activity going on there so if you needed some quiet time and space, that was the place to go.
It's also where the beloved Billie conducts her massages.
You read that right.

Sunset views from the deck.
A walk along the beach....the weather was unbelievable!
Besides the beautiful views and incredible weather, food and friends...there was art. LOTS of art. This was Terri's class kit, complete with carmel apple for munching on in between meals and snacks and more snacks. Terri's class was your choice of a stacked triple bracelet or a wonderful soldered frame.
I chose the frames.
I really wanted to personalize them.
Some did vintage photos which were to die for....
I chose the family.
One of our classes was taught by
Natalie Hansen. It was a fun witches hat. Some of us decided to go with more of a Christmas theme. The hat's (or in my case a tree type structure) actually lit up and light shines through the photo that we soldered. Really wonderful.
Thanks to my friend Sylvia for making us lovely vintage style star pieces to decorate our cones with.
Some of my table mates. They can be trouble makers so watch out for them!
A couple more mates!
I had the privilege and pleasure of being one of three instructors for camp. I taught my tree topper angel. These Art Camp gals are so talented that we ended up with snow angels, pumpkin angels and this girl on the right. The sculpting and hand sewing work on her dress....TO DIE FOR! I was so impressed with what everyone did. Oh darn....the crow. I didn't get a picture of the crow. Unbelievable! The variety was so much fun!
Here are some of the girls working on their sculpting.
By the end of our Art Camp experience poor Joy was just conked out. Thelma and Louise had her clucking throughout the whole trip!
The last evening of camp I came back to the quiet house and found this on the counter. Sweet Billie left me a little gift and it brought tears to my eyes. It's incredible how women who were complete strangers just a few days earlier can touch you so deeply.
As we headed back to the airport (thanks Kerry, for the ride)
there was a rainbow behind us. I truly believe that pot of gold at the
end of it contained all the laughter, joy and happiness left behind by
all the Art Camp sisters.